Guadalupe County Dump Hours: Everything You Need to Know

Residents are responsible for properly disposing of their household waste through private companies offering curbside service or taking their refuse to nearby

Proper Trash Disposal in Guadalupe › trash_disposal

Are you a resident of Guadalupe County in need of information about dump hours? Look no further! This article will provide you with all the essential details you need to know about trash disposal in the county.

Guadalupe County Dump Locations and Hours

As of October 31, 2023, Guadalupe County has two trash collection sites available to residents:

  • Kingsbury Collection Station
    • Address: FM 2438
    • Hours: Daily, 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Marion Collection Station
    • Address: 140 Vernell Ln
    • Hours: Daily, 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Please note that these collection sites will be closing on October 31, 2023. After this date, residents will need to make alternative arrangements for trash disposal.

Alternative Trash Disposal Options

Once the Guadalupe County collection sites close, residents will have several options for trash disposal:

  • Private Trash Collection Services: Several private companies offer curbside trash collection services in Guadalupe County. Contact these companies directly for details on pricing and availability.
  • Landfills: There are several landfills in Guadalupe County where residents can dispose of their trash. Fees may apply.
    • Post Oak Dump
    • Beck Disposal System
    • Mesquite Landfill

Recycling Options

Guadalupe County does not currently offer curbside recycling services. However, there are several options for recycling in the county:

  • Paper: Local schools and churches often have recycling bins for paper products.
  • Plastic Bags: Return plastic bags to grocery stores or contact local food banks or nonprofits for reuse.

Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping is a serious offense in Guadalupe County. If you see or suspect illegal dumping, report it using the following form:

Additional Resources


Guadalupe County residents have several options for trash disposal, including private collection services, landfills, and recycling programs. It is important to note that the county collection sites will be closing on October 31, 2023. After this date, residents will need to make alternative arrangements for trash disposal.

Residents are responsible for properly disposing of their household waste through private companies offering curbside service or taking their refuse to nearby

The trash talking ends in Guadalupe County; trash collections sites to officially close

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